Parameter Overview

Autodesk Inventory Tool is a console application that can be run from the command line or from a batch script.  Running ‘Ait.exe /help’ will display the usage help screen.

General Usage:

Parameter Description
/c /computer Specify a single remote computer to scan.
/f /file Specify file containing list of computers to scan.
/d /domain Specify AD domain for device discovery.
/ip /iprange Specify an IP address range or CIDR network address to discover computers. Valid formats: “", ""
/ex /exclude Specify file containing list of computers to exclude from scan.
/u /user Specify user credentials. Logged on user credentials are used if none specified.
/p /password Password for user credentials.
/cred Specify secure encrypted credentials to use as created with the Secure Credentials Utility.
/e /export Export all reports. Can be used by itself to export already collected data.
/o /ouput Base file name for exported files. Defaults to .\Output if omitted.
/s /scanall Ignore the scan frequency, and scan all computers.
/h /help Display help.

Additional Scans

/rp /registrypackage Scan registry for packages from specified file. Uses RegistryPackages.xml if file not specified.
/fp /filepackage Scan files for packages from specified file. Uses FilePackages.xml if file not specified.
/ef /exportfiles Export collected files to CollectedFiles folder within Output folder.
/sl /softwarelog Scan application event log items for software install and uninstall events.
/lu /lastused Scan Windows prefetch files to determine application last used information.

Data Store Maintenance

Remove computers from data store that have never been successfully scanned.
Remove computers that have not been scanned in specified number of days.

Import Other Data Stores

/i /import Specify a path from which to import data stores.

Miscellaneous Commands

/cs /cancelscan Ask the Ait.exe running instance to cancel the in progress scan